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Linked IU courses for pre-service secondary teachers


Linked IU courses for pre-service secondary teachers make connections among the content of the upper-level mathematics courses, the content of secondary-school mathematics, and state and national standards for mathematics curriculum and pedagogy

The Mathematics Department provides content courses for prospective secondary mathematics teachers: basic lower division courses taken by students with many majors and several upper-division courses designed specifically for secondary teachers. The latter include courses in algebra, geometry, and mathematical modeling. For several years some of these courses have included project-type activities to connect the mathematics content to the secondary classroom, and one goal of the IU-IMIP is to formalize and expand these efforts. The plan is to create "linked courses" that will shadow each of these mathematics courses. These linked courses will be created and delivered by teams consisting of faculty from the mathematics department, mathematics education, and experienced secondary teachers. The linked courses will carry credit, usually one credit hour.