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MSPnet Academy: Making Sense of Measuring Implementation in Educational Research


Over the past several years, the National Science Foundation, the Institute of Education Sciences in the Department of Education and other funders have brought to light the critical importance of rigorously measuring implementation fidelity, or the extent an intervention is enacted as planned, and the contextual factors that affect fidelity. Researchers are expected to discuss the psychometric properties of their measures, specifically describe their approaches to analysis and how those analyses will be used. This poses a challenge, however, because implementation measurement is still relatively new and only now is a general consensus about what it is and how to do it emerging.

This webinar will provide participants with a high-level overview of the key issues related to implementation measurement including: 1) definitions, theory and background; 2) study design and measurement approaches; 3) analysis strategies; and 4) differences between implementation measurement and other kinds of studies (such as design-based implementation research). The webinar will describe each of the issues and give concrete examples of both progress and challenges in each area. The webinar will also address where implementation measurement fits in to the study types outlined in the Common Guidelines and include specific examples from NSF- and IES-funded studies.